I am Marni Battista, entrepreneur, mom of three, wife, and lover of travel. My husband and I have spent the last three years being intentional about creating a life that feels like an authentic expression of us as individuals and together. We have a mutual love of adventure, nature, peace, and freedom which has resulted in a series of experiments in honor of our desire to experience a radical living challenge! This blog represents the beginning of this journey.

What is the radical living challenge?

The Radical Living Challenge is our desire to take our shared love of travel and adventure and challenge ourselves to do something that feels radical to us. The first step is that we designed a series of experiments to help us determine what that challenge might be. As a result, over the last two years we took small trips to places we might want to live (Bend, Oregon, Paradise Valley, Montana, Rural Spain and France) and even tried living in Spain, Maui, Hawaii and Palm Springs, CA for at least a month or more. In 2021 we hired a Life Design Coach to help us design a new set of experiments so that we could embark on our Challenge in 2022!


Why a special website?

As part of working with the Life Design coach and Marni’s involvement in a group called The Joy Collective, one of the experiments Marni tried in 2021 was to free herself from social media. And, she loved it! This blog serves as a place friends an family and others we know can follow the journey with us through blogs and photos!


Who will be joining me?
